KYBELLA® | Westborough & Salem, MA

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KYBELLA is an injectable made from deoxycholic acid. It is used as a treatment to improve one’s profile and overall appearance of moderate to severe fat below the chin (submental fat or double chin). KYBELLA is given as a series of injections under the chin. That is the only location the FDA has approved for the use of KYBELLA.

KYBELLA is an injectable treatment Dr. Keamy performs to improve one’s profile and overall appearance of moderate to severe fat below the chin.

It is the synthetic form of a natural substance our body makes to help to break down and absorb fat. An injectable, KYBELLA is designed to reduce the fat contributing a double chin.

This elite service is available at our locations in Westborough, MA, Salem, MA, and Naples, FL.

There are many benefits to KYBELLA, including:

  • Reduced appearance of a double chin
  • No downtime after treatments
  • Less associated risks than with an invasive surgical procedure
  • Long-lasting results
  • Customized treatment plans

Several of our Westborough and Salem, MA patients struggle with not liking the appearance of their profile and jawline. With KYBELLA injections, our skilled team can help provide you with a jawline you can feel confident about with many benefits, including:

  • Little to no downtime following injections
  • A nonsurgical, less invasive alternative to surgical interventions
  • Quick and effective appointments that fit into your busy schedule
  • Fast-acting results
  • Customized treatment options

KYBELLA doesn't require anesthesia, so you are allowed to leave our office when you feel ready to return to your usual routine. You may have temporary swelling, numbness, or bruising beneath your chin, but this shouldn't last longer than 2 – 3 days. Contact Keamy Cosmetic Centre right away if you are feeling any unusual symptoms, like facial muscle weakness, difficulty swallowing, or if your facial expressions are uneven. While the fat cells that are destroyed do not regenerate, the cells left over can get larger, so you need to keep a steady weight after your KYBELLA treatments to prevent new pockets of fat from developing. Ideal results after this procedure leave your neck looking sleeker and tighter, and your profile will be more defined.

If you’re seeking to reduce or remove your double chin, KYBELLA currently is the only non-invasive option. Lower facelifts and neck lifts both will correct a double chin. Liposuction can be used to remove the fat.

Schedule A Consultation

For more information on KYBELLA or other cosmetic services offered, please contact Dr. Keamy today.

There is a potential for some serious side effects with KYBELLA. They are rare, but they include nerve injury in the jaw that can create an uneven smile, trouble swallowing, and some weakness in the surrounding facial muscles. In clinical studies, these side effects are not long-term but they do not resolve immediately.

Most common side effects include:

  • Numbness
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Bruising
  • Residual pain
  • Areas of hardness in the treatment area

The above side effects are similar to those from various dermal fillers. Dr. Keamy can discuss possible side effects with you prior to treatment.

Highly recommend this Doctor - I have always hesitated doing Kybella due to the press about pain, swelling and downtime. This experience was amazing, very little pain and swelling for only two days with no bruising. In 3 weeks already see a difference. Highly recommend her

V. RealSelf

Love my results! - I saw Dr. Keamy today in her Salem office. I had a great experience! She is easy to talk with and had great suggestions. Today I had injections in my cheeks and some Botox and I love the results already! Can’t wait to see her again for Kybella.

N. RealSelf


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Everyone likes to think it’s the other guy or gal who has the double chin. But reality says otherwise — as we get older, most of us tend to accumulate some fat under our collective chins. The clinical term for this is submental fullness.

Up until 2015, there wasn’t anything you could do about your double chin except have surgery.

But that all changed in April 2015 when the FDA approved KYBELLA for treating double chins. KYBELLA is a prescription brand name for an injectable product formulated with deoxycholic acid that dramatically tightens and improves the profile of those with a double chin. Dr. Keamy now provides KYBELLA for her patients.

About Us
Am I a good candidate for Kybella?
If you have pockets of fat under your chin, you’re a perfect candidate for Kybella with Dr. Keamy. If you don’t like your profile in the mirror every morning, this is the way to tighten it up permanently. If your problem is more of slackening skin rather than fat accumulation, however, a neck lift may be more effective than Kybella.
What causes a double chin?

Submental fullness or a “double chin” can be caused by:

  • Genetics
  • Weight gain
  • Aging

In some cases, no matter your diet or exercise, the unwanted fullness beneath the chin may not go away, and could make you appear older or heavier than you really are. This is when Kybella may be a perfect fit for you. Dr. Keamy evaluates each patient on an individual basis to make sure that you achieve optimal results.

How does Kybella work?
Deoxycholic acid occurs naturally in the human body. Its job is to help out with the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. Therein lies the simple concept behind Kybella. Deoxycholic acid doesn’t see a difference between dietary fat and the fat living under your chin. So, when Kybella is injected by Dr. Keamy into the fat under your chin it goes to work breaking down that fat. It destroys the fat cells, and without those cells, you no longer have a storage mechanism for fat. The fat is gone for good and your profile has magically returned to where it was maybe a couple of decades ago. This change is permanent, too, as long as you don’t put on a large amount of weight in the future.
How many Kybella treatments will I need?
There isn’t a set number of Kybella treatments. You will discuss your goals with Dr. Keamy. During a single treatment, Dr. Keamy will give you numerous small injections under your chin. Many patients feel they have tightened their double chin enough in just two to four Kybella treatments. The maximum number of treatments is six. How many you opt to have is up to you.
Is Kybella treatment painful?
The needle Dr. Keamy uses to inject Kybella is very small. Most patients don’t require any anesthetic, saying the multiple injections are akin to slight pinpricks. But, if you like, we can apply some topical anesthetic prior to your session.
*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.